2024 Strategy

A Plan to strengthen our nation by
building the power of democracy from the ground up!

Our Work

  • Identify opportunities for meaningful engagement around voting issues—voting rights legislation, voter registration, voter education, fair electoral districts, and any effort that improves access to the ballot box

  • Support Democrats in local, state, and federal elections

  • Engage voters around issues — what has been accomplished and what could be accomplished if we elect the right people

  • Partner with local, state, and national organizations, especially grassroots organizations in our target states, to build a stronger democratic infrastructure at the local level and to improve voting rights

  • Provide training, tools, resources, and support for Vermont activists to raise money, make phone calls, staff voter protection hotlines, canvass, text, and write postcards on behalf of organizations and candidates

In 2024 . .

We are building volunteer capacity

The 2024 elections are here. Are we prepared? This year, Lean Left is focused on activist engagement and connection. We provide ways for activists to engage socially, to participate in Lean Left’s planning process, to learn about the issues affecting Lean Left’s target states and our nation, all in an effort to build engagement in political action through social connection. We expect that people who connect with other like-minded individuals and groups will find their place in a community of activists and strengthen their commitment to taking future action on democracy-building issues.  We hope to build on these connections with the message that the work Vermonters undertake in other states can affect the federal landscape, especially as we work toward the 2024 election season.

Grab a friend and attend one of our promoted Events or plug into our Resources to learn more about the issues. Start your own Giving Circle. And keep an eye on the Take Action page for ways you can get involved. Join our Sunday Power Hour.

The States We Are Working In

The presidential election will likely overshadow the important races we’ll see down ballot in 2024. Don’t give in to the glitter! Join us in keeping an eye on state-level races that can have a significant effect on the future of our country.

New Hampshire

NH won all three federal races—Hassan, Pappas, and Kuster—in 2022, but Republicans narrowly retained their majority in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, and the little-known but powerful Executive Council remained under Republican control. In addition to being a presidential battleground state in 2024, New Hampshire also has an open governor's race, competitive congressional seats, and a fierce fight to flip the legislature.

North Carolina

NC will elect a new governor in 2024: this will be the most closely watched governor’s race in the nation (the governor’s party controls the State Board of Elections and all 100 county boards of elections). The 2023 flip of a House Democrat gave state level Republicans a veto-proof majority in the legislature, so Democrats must make gains in both the State House and Senate. Also in play are races for Lt. Gov, a State Supreme Court seat, Attorney General, and 14 U.S. House seats, several of which are in severely gerrymandered districts.


A lot will be on the line in PA in 2024: the state’s 19 electoral votes, Bob Casey’s Senate seat, numerous competitive congressional races, and expanding our tiny majority in the PA House. Also on the ballot will be reproductive rights.