Monthly Beneficiary

April 2024

The States Project: New Hampshire

Help Granite Staters Say Goodbye to the Right-wing!

Lean Left Vermont is raising funds this month for The States Project's work in New Hampshire to end right-wing control in both chambers of the legislature. Granite Staters need to flip the House and tie the Senate. 

The balance of power in the House is currently 201-197. The Democrats won two special elections in March. There are two vacant seats still to fill. Vacancies are relatively common in this chamber, so these two seats, as well as any new ones that occur from here on out, will be left vacant until November at this point. Because there is no tie-breaker in the Senate, a tie in this chamber would mean Dems have real negotiating power.

All of the funds we raise will be used for effective campaign strategies such as the “Door Knocking Challenge,” which provides candidates with an incentive to spend the majority of their time talking and meeting with voters. Face-to-face contact is a game-changer. Four Challenge participants in 2022 won their seats by less than 326 votes!

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